We were totally delighted to hang out with one of the forefathers of the awesome Realm Makers conference in these episodes, Kerry Nietz! Kerry, as he says, is a refugee from software engineering, and is the author of Amish Vampires in Space (as seen on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon!)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSiTIZW3WEo]
- Revisiting story worlds by writing Frayed.
- Threadbare, the main character, and why Kerry loves him.
- Throwing characters curve balls (No, not literally…)
- Liberty’s cold leads to a misinterpretation of one of our questions, and an interesting answer.
- Research into boxing!
- Kerry’s favorite superhero and the version he prefers!
- Usually, one’s superhero and one’s Captain have similar traits… Mr. Nietz is an exception…
- How Kerry structures his writing time so he can end his session in the middle of a scene.
- Oh, Scrivner, do we love thee? Let us count the ways…
- Kerry’s really good first drafts, and how he handles editing.
- Developing a thick skin! (Metaphorically…)
- Developing habits to overcome writer’s block (literally…)
- Mayans, mythology, and vampire gods – Oh My!
- Never stop writing-never surrender!
- The differences in traditional publishing versus self-publishing, at least from Kerry’s perspective.
Too lazy to type out the links while you’re listening? We’ve got you covered! (If they don’t work, it’s Liberty’s fault….)
Kerry Nietz
Amish Vampires in Space
Mike Duran
Tosca Lee
Nadine Brandes (editing services)
Jeff Gerke (editing services)
Ray Bradbury (Hey, he won a Pulitzer! But not for what you’d think…)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Michael Crighton
Jessi L. Roberts
Just thought I’d say I enjoy your episodes. I listen to them while I draw.
One thing though. When I listen to this on iTunes, I have to turn up my volume a lot. They’re quieter than the other podcasts I listen to. This means when my computer makes other random notification sounds while i’m listening to LDK, the beeping is really loud.
Thanks for letting us know, Jessi! I will look at boosting our volume in our next episodes. ~Liberty